Welcome to schwenkpa.com

Home of certain Pennsylvania Schwenks on the 'Web'...

PA Logo Eric was born in Reading, PA, in 1974, and has been living in Altoona, PA, since 2004. For homepage setup or a personal email account with the schwenkpa.com ending, just send Eric an email at this domain. To avoid spam, the email address will not be divulged directly, but is easy to construct if you just add 'social', the 'at' sign, and then the domain. Put those three items together and you have the correct email. Send a message to that email for requests for your own site or email account at schwenkpa.com.

Existing email users may log in: apps.rackspace.com

Eric's online publishing sites are:

In January of 2021, EMS Digital began the move to get all hosted content off of Amazon Web Services, after AWS decided to wage a war against average Americans and their First Amendment free speech rights. This server is 100% AWS free. #FightBigTechFascism

NOTE: This page is generally used as a placeholder for the schwenkpa.com domain, which is used primarily for email. Thanks for stopping by!